Úvod zima2024-10-17T23:03:12+02:00

Ski-touring crossing The Alps, The High Tatras or at home.
One-day ski touring.

Ski-touring and Freetouring

Are you tired of crowded slopes? Don’t you want to squeeze in line at the cable car? Do you like winter nature, skiing and don’t you mind the movement and you re willing to sweat a little? Then you are right here, freetouring or ski mountaineering is here for you. We offer ski tours and crossing in The Alps, in the Slovak mountains, exotic countries, but also in the Czech hills. We can practice the ski mountaineering around the world, when there is snow…

Before these events you can attend ski touring and avalanche course which I recommend because this is how we can meet and you will remember, what you have to think about and what you need to know. You can ski in untouched nature.

Freeride around the world, heliskiing.

Freeride & heliskiing

Freeride in the alpine resorts. Skiing in the open terrain with the possibility of ski tour meeting the  untouched slopes. The alpine destination, Georgia, Norway, Japan, Chamonix… and more others… these are the best ways to enjoy powder and freeride outside the ski resorts. 

Heliskiing in the Sweden or Canada is the most powerful experience that offers downhills with a elevation of 1000 meters. We will be transported by helicopter to meet virgin power slopes that will offer you the most comfortable experience in the open terrain.

Ice climbing and winter ascents in alpine countries and the Tatras.

Winter climbing

Climbing ascents in the winter conditions – ice, snow, rock. Hight Tatras or Alps. Climbing in the ice falls of the High Tatras for beginners and intermediates climbers. Single-length and multi-length climbing with good access from the chalets, we can use snowshoes or skis. The same possibilities of ice climbing in the Alps.

Winter climbing ascents to the Tatra peaks. We can use the skis or snowshoes again. The Alpine 4000 peaks in winter conditions, on skis or by climbing.
Winter tours where you want – the High Tatras, the Alps and other world mountains…

Do you want to make your loved ones pleasure and give them an exceptional experience? You can buy them any event from us in the form of a gift voucher. The gift voucher is possible to prepare to measure.

For all ski mountaineers, climbers, skiers and hikers moving in winter terrain.

Avalanche course

Avalanche courses are intended for all ski mountaineers, climbers, skiers in open terrain, hikers on snowshoes…

On the avalanche course you will learn about possibilities of movement in winter mountain terrain, you get a basic knowledge of avalanche problems, you will lear to work with avalanche transceivers, you will see the presentation of avalanche backpacks. You will get acquainted with the first aid affected by an avalanche. You will be able to try everything directly in the field.

avalanche course
We will teach you basic skills on “hairy” skis.

Ski-mountaineering course

Ski-touring or ski-mountaineering course is intended for all, who wants to try ski-touring and don’t know how to do it. Or for those, who have already ski mountaineering equipment and some basic experience but they don’t know how to continue, those who want to try it in the bigger mountains, in multi-day events etc. We will teach you basic skills when moving in open terrain on “hairy” skis.

Winter climbing in alpine or Tatra icefalls.

Ice-climbing course

It is mostly about single-length ice climbing with good access from the chalets, some icefalls are also multi-lengths. We are able to arrange dates according your requirements, the weekdays are ideal because there are few people  itn the icefalls. The events are usually of a two days but it is possible to agree on multi-day program.

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Pavel Žofka

Professional IFMGA mountain guide

Climbing, mountains, ski-mountaineering and skiing in the open terrain became my drug.

Provizorní text: Výstup na Prostredný hrot cez Dubkeho lávku so zlaňovaním v Stillovom žľabe. S Pavlom to bol opäť jedinečný zážitok a veľmi pekné lezenie. Všetko v pohode, priateľsky a profesionálne. Už teraz sa teším na ďalšie skalné dobrodružstvo.

Peter Javorčík, Prostredný hrot

Provizorní text: Úžasný zážitok s priateľským a maximálne profesionálným vodcom. Nevedela by som si predstaviť lepšieho vodcu v tento deň. Vybavenie mal v top stave, výborne načasovaný výstup s luxusným počasím. Cítila som sa po celý čas bezpečne istená, s jasnými inštrukciami. Určite si v budúcnosti naplánujeme ďalšie výstupy.

Petra Kopčáková, Gerlachovský štít

Provizorní text: Naprosto skvělá akce ve skvělé partě lidí! Přednášky, lezení, výuka – vše s humorem a ve skvělém tempu. Vřele doporučuji tento kurz všem, co to s lezením v zimních horách myslí vážně.

Petr Palášek, Kurz lezení ledů

Skitour Centrum

Ski-touring rental and sale of outdoor equipment

Outdoor eShop Rock Art

We offer ski-touring, running and outdoor equipment.
In our eShop or in our store in Dolní Morava.

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