The traverse of the Monte Rosa massif is for enthusiasts who are no longer attracted by alpine alpine trails, but would like to go not to glaciers and 4,000 alpine peaks. The ascents to them already have a climbing character using climbing equipment, crampons, ice axes and a little dexterity. the more demanding ones also require very good physical condition.

The highest peak of the massif is Duffourspitze (4.634 m), the highest mountain in Switzerland and the second highest in Europe (excl.Kavkaz). In total, there are about 15 peaks in the massif with altitude over 4.000 metres. The exact number of peaks varies from publicaton to publication, as well as differing opinions on which peaks belong to the massif and the definition of what is and is not a separate peak. Important four-thousand peaks in the massif include, for example, the long and high ridge of Lyskamm, Signalkuppe, at the top of which is the highest chalet in Europe Capanna Regina Margherita or Breithorn, considered to be most easily accessible four-thousand peak in Europe.

Ten to eighteen great 4,000 m peaks. All this within 5 to 6 days. An impressive multi-day round crossing of the Monte Rosa massif with ascents to four thousand peaks and accommodation at the highest chalet. Start and finish in Zermatt.

Spaghetti Maxi – to the eleven peaks we will add the ascent to the Dufourspitze and the traverse of the five peaks of the Breithorns. And traverse the two peaks of Lyskamm. So 19 four-thousand peaks! Physically demanding trip.

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Spaghetti Tour Program

1st day: Breithorn Mittel a West – Rifugio Ayas (3 400 m)
2st day: Pollux a Castor – Rifugio Quintino Sella (3 585 m)
3st day: Naso, Balmenhorn a Vincent Pyramid – Rifugio Gniffeti (3 625 m)
4st day: Ludwigshohe, Parrotspitze, Schwarzhorn and Signalkuppe – Capanna Regina Margherita (4 554 m)
5st day: Zumsteinspitze – Monte Rosa Hutte (2 882 m)

Spaghetti Tour Maxi Program

1st day: Klein Matterhorn – Rifugio Testa Grigia (3 479 m)
2st day: Breithorn Mittel, West, Orientale, Breithornzwillinge a Roccia Nera – Rifugio Ayas (3 400 m)
3st day: Pollux a Castor – Rifugio Quintino Sella (3 585 m)
4st day: Lyskamm East a West, Naso, Balmenhorn a Vincent Pyramid – Rifugio Gniffeti (3 625 m)
5st day: Ludwigshohe, Parrotspitze, Schwarzhorn and Signalkuppe – Capanna Regina Margherita (4 554 m)
6st day: Zumsteinspitze, Dufourspitze a Nordend – Monte Rosa Hutte (2 882 m)

The program may change due to weather conditions and climbing conditions. The number of days is indicative.

June – August

Price for trip
4 550 € / Spaghetti classic variant (1 to 2 clients)
5 200 € / Spaghetti Maxi (1 to 1 client)

The price includes only a reward for the mountain guide, does not include prices for accommodation in cottages, cable cars, trains, accommodation down in the valley and any additional expenses.

Number of clients
The maximum number of clients per hike is 1 to 2, (depending on the difficulty and type of hike and the client’s ability). This is a multi-day transition that depends on conditions and weather. The number of days at the crossing is indicative..

… I’m interested, I want to go!